Everything we can expect on Tesla’s “Battery Day”
Battery Day on September 22
Virtual shareholders meeting
The Roadrunner Project (in-house batteries)
No Cobalt batteries (reduces cost and pollution)
Ampruis joins Tesla?
Advancements in the million-mile battery dream!
Battery day is right around the corner! After getting postponed on various occasions, Tesla CEO Elon Musk has finally announced that Battery Day will include “Many exciting things” and take place on the 22nd of September.
Occurring every year, Battery Day is a significant event in which Tesla meets with its shareholders and announces plans for the future of the company. Hosted in Tesla’s Fremont factory, Battery Day is sure to include many already and to be confirmed rumors.
This year, Battery Day is going to look a little different. As a custom, Battery Day is supposed to be a shareholders meeting that includes announcements, but this year the meeting will be held separately to the announcements. Both the announcements and the shareholders meeting will be held virtually, with a few people allowed to attend on site at Tesla’s factory.
Many exciting things will be unveiled on Battery Day 9/22 ⚡️
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) September 11, 2020
Roadrunner Project
Tesla’s Roadrunner project could be a major step in bringing the cost of electric cars closer to gas powered vehicles. The project aims to produce “in-house” battery cells that bring the cost per KWH down significantly. This could be a major step in bringing the cost of electric cars near gas powered vehicles.
The Roadrunner project was confirmed by Telsa to be underway, but we never got any presentation on it. The project is rumored to be involved with a new “Plaid” Tesla Model S being released in the next couple of months. Battery Day will shed more light on what is in the works.
Silicon Nano-Wires
A Silicon Nanowire is a form of technology used in the anode of a battery to increase the density of energy. In simple terms, A Silicon Nanowire provides more energy to a battery.
Recently, Tesla released its poster for Battery day; the poster includes a nanowire pattern in the background. And as as the EV world begins to speculate, it is believed Tesla is going to partner up with Amprius (a famous nanowire battery company) to produce nanowire batteries for new Tesla vehicles!
No Cobalt batteries
Tesla is rumored to get rid of the cobalt in their batteries. Cobalt is a resource which is getting harder to obtain as it gets more scarce. And, in addition to being expensive, it causes a lot of pollution - something that goes against Tesla’s values. The reduction or absence of cobalt in Tesla’s batteries will help improve their impact on the environment, reduce costs and eliminate supply problems which may occur in the future.
Insider Perspective
Here’s what EV Insider Eli Burton had to say about what he expects on Battery Day:
“I expect battery day will be a game changer in the EV industry as Elon/Tesla unveils a step change in battery energy density pushing Teslas past 500 miles (range) on track for 1000 miles in just a couple years. I fully expect to see the release of a Plaid Model S for around $150K fully speced. This may come with some design changes to the Model S interior but that’s an unconfirmed rumor which has been circulating for some time.”
One of Tesla’s primary goals is to create a million-mile battery… And, Battery Day is the best time to announce advancements on the road to this milestone. Hopefully, progress on the “Roadrunner” project, Silicon nanowires, Cobalt free batteries will help lead them to the million-mile mark.
The Battery Day hype is real. And, while we cant be sure these rumors are all that will be announced during the event, we know the innovations Tesla will reveal could change the electric car industry!
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